Coming up with songs and other art forms that aim to inform and divert listeners’ attention to societal and global issues are just one of the few ways to get the message out, in attempts to get it through everyone’s heads via a catchy, resonating rhythm.
“Burning”, a song by The Sea at Midnight with Chemical Waves quite literally narrates about climate change and high temperatures, has this profound feel to it. The rock, reverb tone and how the vocals and drums are somewhat highlighted all throughout is ear-catching.
The song features lyrics that comprises vivid imagery of the environment going into ruins (“listen to the north / you can hear the glaciers melting”), as well as the narration of how people are pretending that everything is fine, despite trees burning and other unnatural calamities happening all over the world. Although, the vocals could use a bit more clarity to really get what they want to say out there.
It greatly gives off the vibe of being chanted during climate change rallies, or performed within a play, or the background of a compilation of the impacts of the said global phenomena. It’s a great song, with a great and timely meaning.