There’s nothing better than a song that sounds and feels good at the same time – “Insecurities” inflicts the feeling of wanting to bop your head to how great it sounds, and because the meaning behind everything is something you can relate to.
First of all, everything about this track is clear as day. DayEyezmakes a great first impression right off the bat to all listeners. The vocals are so well done, delivering the message figuratively and literally with ease: “I was just a kid / Lost and on my own” – it starts with imparting how it feels to be insecure, then it crawls deeper.
“The walls I built up crumbling / Can’t hide behind my shame / I see the hurt I caused you / And I’m the one to blame”. The song not only emphasizes the dreadful feeling of insecurity, but also a narration on how that pain with having it is not only affecting himself, but other people as well.
Overall, the tune compliments the vocals very well, yet still brings on the awesome energy of rock music. The countless emphasis and acknowledgement of the vocals are reasonable, as it’s just really executed all throughout; the isolation on the bridge is immaculate, absolutely taking the cake and wrapping everything up nicely. It’s a great song that deserves all the attention it could get.