A Star is Born: ‘Love Kills the Monsters’ by Sunset Salore

I love albums like this. It’s got a pop sound, but an authentic vibe. Sunset Salore is an artist, and with this EP, she is demonstrating a level of comfort and confidence that radiates the soul of a musician unrestrained and unhampered by indecision or hesitation.

Don’t believe me? Check out the last track, Don’t Owe You Pretty. Throughout the EP, Sunset demonstrates a mastery level of control over her voice, but in the final track, she gives a versatile and emotional vocal performance that truly shows how freely she’s willing to express herself with her voice, and with her lyrics.

And the music: It’s excellent. It’s catchy and upbeat. It’s the kind of music you expect and want to hear on the elevator’s in Vegas. And in the showrooms. The kind of music that makes you excited for a night out. Of letting loose, enjoying life, and most importantly, the moment.

It’s well performed, and doesn’t over-reach. It’s more than content, in fact, it seems dead-set on lifting Sunset Salore onto a platform so the audience can best experience the message and emotion being presented by this star vocalist.

And what’s more, the music is fresh. It’s original. Take Call It as an example. The main riff seems as much inspired by Radiohead as the track is reminiscent of major pop-stars, like Beyoncé. In fact, the tones utilized throughout this album are subtly indie and underground, which really is a testament to the level of dedication this group has to creating an album with an authentic sound.

And it’s produced really well. That shout-out isn’t just for the audio engineers, but also for any audiophiles looking for quality tracks to listen to. This EP is hi-fidelity, without compromising the individual expression of the instrumentals. And I like that. I really like that.

Honestly, this album really made me appreciate Sunset Salore, not just as a performer, but as an artist. From the album art to the music to the exemplary vocal performance, this album has a commitment to personality that I think is often absent in the pop genre. I like pop stars as much as anyone, but there’s something very strong about a collection of tracks that are uniquely pop. That is, about an indie artist who just so happens to really like good-vibe dance tracks, and can deliver at an elite level.

Following Sunset Salore

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