“Break The Believer” Might Try To Break You, But Kudos For The Audacity

In trying to learn more about eccentric musician Tommy Trull, I came across his personal website’s artist description tagline, which reads: “Genre-hopping musician and writer blending raw vulnerability with sharp wit. Or so my mom says.” It may be a small detail, but that full stop between the blurb and the caveat of it being

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Whereafter’s “blessed & depressed” is Validation At Its Finest

In a nutshell, “blessed & depressed” tackles self-destruction but band-aiding and healing that feeling at the same time. Through pure, rock tunes and solid vocals, Whereafter has quite literally poured their emotions to create this concept. Recognizing the pattern, this is not your usual album. The thirteen tracks comprise of a mixture of narration/dialogue and

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Paying homage to Faisal Sketty with “Raise A Glass For My Brother”

One of my favourite books is ‘A Monster Calls’ by Patrick Ness, though originally from an original idea by Siobhan Dowd, who passed away before she could finish the book herself. Ness ended up being the one to finish the novel since the story was something that could be given tribute to Dowd and her

Paying homage to Faisal Sketty with “Raise A Glass For My Brother” Read More »

Join Shaven Primates on Chasing Dragons with their New EP

Despite being a short-lived EP with three tracks, Shaven Primates made sure to make every second of “Chasing The Dragon” count by having that familiar rock sound in every song that hits close to home. The arrangements and the layers of instruments within the entire record is full, captures the entirety of sound, and overall

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In Luna’s Garden Turns Weakness Into Strength With “Mina vs the Pit of Despair”

As per the album’s first track, “Mina vs the Pit of Despair” features dark themes such as suicide and self-harm. With a record comprising thirteen songs revolving around a certain topic, listeners are advised to think twice before giving this a go. But, if you’re stable and exploring new music, let me give you an

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“Campamento” and the bliss of transcending boundaries

There is a kind of pure bliss to just hearing music transcend boundaries. Whether that be the boundary between genres, the boundaries between artists and even the boundaries between language, music is one of the best ways to just have things connect, and the world is all the better for it. Take for example, the

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“Romeo and Juliet” Deems Essential for Every Wedding Reception

From visuals to the sound itself, the five tracks of “Romeo and Juliet” radiate wedding energy. And with every one of them having their own flair and catchiness, it’s safe to say that Ubiquity Machine hit the mark with this record. Right off the bat, listeners are met with the title track “Romeo and Juliet”,

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A Modern Lyrical Art: Good In Blue by Carrying Torches

A magician never tells their secrets. A great lyricist never explains their lyrics because it would ruin the magic, and I firmly believe that many lyricists today have lost their magic because of AI. But let me introduce you to Carrying Torches and their newest track, “Good In Blue,” and explain why this track is

A Modern Lyrical Art: Good In Blue by Carrying Torches Read More »