My Sanity, the new song from Rooftop Screamers featuring Randy McStine, narrates the realization that despite everything, showing up and understanding yourself must always come first. This is a nice, tame but remains a head-bobbing tune for listeners to keep coming back to.
Consisting of a digestible, incredibly catchy riff that remains evident all throughout, McStine’s fierce vocals compliment the Rooftop Screamers’ synth rock energy, delivering the message of empowerment to one’s self flawlessly.
This song allows listeners to view a situation being let down — essentially gaslit — by someone, and despite being tired from such, his sanity won’t ever be taken away from him. The line “It’s time you turn and face the facts / there will be no going back” speaks of acceptance and letting go; accepting that you are not in this world to please everyone, and it’s okay to choose yourself than to suffer in their so-called “power trip”.
Along the end, the song goes on to say lines such as “I guess you’re just misunderstood”, “Sometimes I wanna scream / sometimes I wanna hate you but I just can’t let myself”, which refers to the fact that cutting someone out of your life doesn’t mean the ill-intent remains within. It’s not only important to walk away, but also to make peace with the person even if you don’t ever want to see them again.
Overall a great song, applicable for all types of ending relationships, which most – if not all – people can relate to. The way everything sounds and the collaboration between brilliant artists harmonizes well with the concept, and there’s really nothing better than this.