Blindness & Lights is gearing up to drop their stunning eight-track album, I Dreamt I Had Insomnia. Ahead of the official release (14th February), three tracks have already been released as teasers, building anticipation for what’s to come. Fortunately, we’ve had the privilege of hearing the entire album before its release—and it’s nothing short of extraordinary.
It is interesting to observe that Blindness & Light and “I Dreamt I Had Insomnia” are not necessarily oxymorons but they are contrasting in nature. Just from this, listeners can already assume the quality of art this band is capable of producing—giving listeners a glimpse of the depth and creativity they can expect from this album.
Sound-wise, it all has an overall alternative rock-feel, with synth and funk featured in parts. Though it differs in tempo and dynamics, the overall vibe remains the same, and with what each song means, it is bound to be classified as a part of this very album by how intricate and deep everything seems.

Speaking of meaning, it all talks about existence, and the phenomena experienced in life. The first track “Butterfly” starts off funky and upbeat, as it has a prominent bass line all throughout. With the way it is structured, it somehow discusses the passage of time, and how the abuse of something beneficial or great is of no use when you are stuck in a loop anyway, which is life.
The chorus speaks about taking the wings off a butterfly, and the assumption is the butterfly represents the natural occurrences in life that one cannot predict nor change, hence the lyrics “Don’t pull the wings off the butterfly / It’s done no harm to you / It is no master of space and time”. Additionally, the lines “Occam’s razor was blunt and rusty” is also interesting to look into, as occam’s razor, in simple terms, is about looking for explanations as concisely possible, which is similar to how individuals question the meaning of life.
Next up is “Shards”, which is a song more on the rock side filled with heavy rhythm. All in all, this song tackles the importance of putting the self first before anything else, in other words, the act of self-love as observed in the following lyrics: “If you can’t love yourself, how can someone else?” The vibe makes one want to slow down with finding companions, but the reassurance that love will find us eventually. “Though I can’t feel it now, the world still turns around”.

The third track is “Mersey Bell”. The words invoke imagery, but it uses it to express nostalgia, relationship, and again, the passage of time. Ultimately, it does not go into total detail, which leaves it for great interpretation: it can be for a loved one or a friend who passed, fell out of touch with, or moved to the other side of the world perhaps. This track acts as an ode, a tribute to good times.
“Lament To A Fading Dream” features a flute-like, recurring melody throughout the track. It’s somehow tamed and laid back, and also has lyrics such as “Behind your innocence lies an elegance that sets my world on fire”, a poetic line that speaks of potential behind an individual, more specifically on the youth.
Up next is “Your Solitude”, a song that has a phenomenal rhythm and vocal dynamic; the melody is great as well, with the potential of grabbing listeners’ attention. The small interludes between lines are catchy itself. Afterwards, “Love Redacted” plays, and it’s one of the most intricate songs that involve the topic of love amidst hopelessness.
“All On You”, unlike most of the previous songs, is more on the slower side, but still emits that funk vibe. Likewise, it shares the same theme with them of life in general. What’s interesting about this is the final lines, which — out of presumption — is probably about the accountability we all possess with every decision and mistake we make in life: “One by one we crucify the things we love, hold deep inside / Time and time, we never learn to forget the self … Again, again, we make the same mistakes again / It’s all on you”.
Last but not the least, “Letter To Future Generations” makes for the perfect sendoff to the entire record, featuring a feel-good rhythm as well as the bass and guitar harmonizing perfectly. As it clearly addresses the youth, a couple lines stand out: “Hope you gonna live by your rules / I hope you know it’s never gonna be easy / to watch the tsunami crash right over you / we need change”. It’s a great message paired with a great tune.
This album is curated from a subjective standpoint nourished into something empirical that retains relevance in ways because the meaning of life is often thought by people. Or, rather, everyone goes to a point where they question meaning and existence as a whole, which is mainly what this record explores. It makes listeners go above and beyond, challenging what they know now.
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About the Author

A psychology major with a knack for music and writing. Mostly indulges in alternative rock, indie, and pop punk.