Who would say no to a good bassline and a feel-good vibe? Not me after hearing The Big Happy’s “High School”, that’s for sure.
From the title alone, you probably already have assumptions on what this song is like. And you’re probably right! Picture this: you found your dusty yearbook, or an old digital camera, or a photo album from high school, or maybe even a box of memorabilia – you’re looking through countless memories of youthful years, reflecting or comparing your life back then to your life now. That’s what this song sounds like.
Let me emphasize on the “feel-good” vibe of it all. It acts as a binder of the lyrics, every instrumental component… and it makes it sound extra homey and nostalgic. It’s raw, real, and could really entice emotion, because not only is this song a match made in heaven between your headphones and your ears, it’s a good recommendation for a graduation song.
There’s a mixture of mellowness and reggae-like tones all the while that funky bassline is in action alongside guitar. The composition and production is great, and it makes you think that it’ll just be as good when played in front of an audience.
All in all, “High School” is a great song. Another one to your nostalgia playlist, perhaps?