Want something that’s new but still hits that pop punk nostalgia? Avidra’s had enough of being one of those gate-kept bands and aims for the spotlight with ‘Had Enough’!
Avidra is a band based in the Bicol Region. They were formed in 2018, after having written songs already prior to the actual establishing of a group, thus wishing to perform those songs as a band which led to their formation. Beginning with the alternative rock genre, Avidra, composed of members Zoey Alvarez (vocals/guitar), Waltz Dimaano (guitar), JS Vibares (drums), Johnri Ramirez (bass), and Joshua Adizas (guitar), is now leaning to the sound of pop punk.
‘Had Enough’, a brand new single by the band that was made available for audiences in February of this year, is guaranteed to win the hearts of every pop punk fan of the country with the overall flair of gritty guitar tones throughout the song. The band admits to having international bands such as Neck Deep, State Champs, and Belmont as their inspirations in the making of their single.
The song starts with an astounding intro that so clearly resembles Avidra’s inspirations mentioned above. Coming off to a great start, the song only gets more intriguing with how their vocalist sets the song’s mood; the strong demeanor, in hopes to bring out and convey the message in almost a shouting manner, which is what anyone would expect in a punk song.
“…the lyrics can be interpreted with frustration, anger, or any other feeling that comes to mind whenever you listen to the song,” the band states. “[Had Enough] is about deciding to put yourself first for once by letting go of a toxic relationship that is making your life more difficult, rather than making the effort to work things out even in the event that it doesn’t work out.”
Avidra worded ‘Had Enough’ as such not only to get out what they wanted to express, but in hopes to reach out to those who find expressing hard. In other words, this song is more than its actual meaning, but it is also a mode of communication for the listeners who find it difficult to just voice it out.
The band claims to be attending City Boy Brew for JoyBoy Productions’ event on the 30th of March this year. They also hope that old and new audiences continue to support their music as they have more songs to share this year!