A Modern Lyrical Art: Good In Blue by Carrying Torches

A magician never tells their secrets. A great lyricist never explains their lyrics because it would ruin the magic, and I firmly believe that many lyricists today have lost their magic because of AI. But let me introduce you to Carrying Torches and their newest track, Good In Blue,” and explain why this track is special. 

The band wasted no chance and started with the first verse at the 3-second mark. The whole theme and flow of the track closely resemble this early 2010s sound because of the palmed-mute guitars and the drum pattern, which is resonant to that sound. 

 The chorus hook is catchy because of its climactic melody, drum pattern, and overdriven guitar tone that just hits the spot. I try not to be biased, but I always have a spark of passion for guitar-driven tracks. To me, it’s a lost art that we need to reclaim; but again, that’s subjective. 

What sets this track apart is the lyrics and the overall meaning behind them. I would love to decipher them into bits and pieces, but the thing about “Good In Blue” is that every time I listen to it, the overall lyrical idea of the song changes. 

 The powerful thing about this track is that its soulful, poetic lyrics give room for listeners to interpret them. I’m 100% sure that interpretations will differ from one person to another, and that is awesome! 

Overall, “Good In Blue” doesn’t have that exploding flow like the music today, but it’s a song worth discussing because of its lyrical prowess. I truly hope that Carrying Torches will not blow the whole meaning behind it, but let us fans banter and talk about it for years on end. 

 Give them some love by following their social media page. Listen to “Good In Blue” today! 

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