Swept to Sea’s Debut Album, Lost Shores is Metal in All Forms

There’s this common misconception that a lot of people have with metal music. Some would say it’s just noise, the devil’s music, and just screaming, but Swept to Sea is different. Their latest and first album, Lost Shores, explores themes like perseverance, self-discovery, and overcoming loss, just to name a few. Join me as I discuss this LP in detail and read why metal music is here to stay.

“Exit Interview” started with this radio signal attenuation sample followed by a distorted track sample of the chorus hook that created this opening for what the track is all about. The track has these orchestral bits to it, which effectively introduces who the band is. It’s melodic and heavy, and I love it. 

And to my surprise, a guitar solo. From what I understand, we often hear guitar solos in today’s metal tracks because it’s a common progression from bands like Megadeath and Metallica, as well as similar acts.

What I usually like about adding a fade effect in songs is that it keeps everyone’s feet going because you’ll never know what comes next. And sure enough, Swept to Sea created a space to not anticipate a face-melting blast beat progression for the song “Salvation.”

If I can explain this track, this has a mix of thrash metal and metalcore which should not work because, with thrash, you need to feel that raw and aggressiveness with the track but adding melodic guitar lines all though out the song, created this perfect balance on both subgenres. 

The difference between the chorus hook and verses is what made “False Affections” a track to put on repeat. The track started with what I call a ‘running progression’ because of this running feel drum pattern, then changing into this kinda syncopated progression and topping it off with this metal blast beat accompanied by a somewhat arpeggio/melodic guitar lick. And that alone my friend is what makes this track fascinating. 

The army radio communication sample accompanied by this reverbed guitar riff created this cinematic feel to the track “Testament Of Hate.” The distorted spoken vocals and the gunshots in the background were a genius move. It added authenticity and grit to the cinematic feel of the track. 

“Loss” is the shortest track of the LP and probably the soundcheck track that Swept to Sea uses in live gigs because of how connected it is to the next song of the LP. 


The drum pattern used in the intro to “The Echoes Of Goodbye” is just a chef’s kiss. I’m not 100% sure if that’s a drum trigger because of how unnatural that pattern is but regardless if it is or if it’s done manually, I still have to give props for that move. It worked its magic

The intro to “Shattered Glass” has this close yet far Dream Theater influence to it. The drum roll. the keyboard phrase and guitar riff are the dead giveaway. By this track, I have to give props to Swept to Sea’s skills. I tried my hands at being a session player for a metalcore band once, and after that, I decided that it would be my last. The skills and dedication needed to unlearn and relearn riffs and breakdowns are not for the faint of heart. 

“Nowhere To Run” is another track that has this Dream Theater influence. Technical versatility meets dedicated discipline. 


The chord progression in “Trapped in Memories” is more interesting than you think. I can’t put my finger on the exact term for it, but it sounds muddy and indirect but beautiful. I bet it’s a chord-building progression that can only be used meticulously because it won’t work on everything.

I particularly like the melodic vocal phrasing of “Who We Are” in the verses. Although the previous tracks of this LP have somewhat identical vocal phrasing, the verse in this track is genuinely different. It closely resembles how rappers create phrases.

To end the LP, we have “Verterunt Ad Mare” and what made this interesting is the orchestra sample in the background. 

Overall, the Lost Shores LP is a great album because of Swept to Sea’s creativity. Every track has a different offering that will leave you wanting more. This album is a powerful gateway to bigger opportunities, massive exposure, and a whole new wave of fans. Get ready—this is just the beginning of something incredible!

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