TE/MO’s Double EP Is All You’ll Ever Need

From wicked trances to endless references, it’s pretty clear that TE/MO had her mind in deep work in creating back-to-back EPs: “LOVERS, UPRIGHT” and “LOVERS, REVERSED”. Composed of twelve tracks (six each) altogether, one would probably get a sense of what each one is about, but the thing about TE/MO and these concepts she’s made, is that she’s a force to be reckoned with and you’d never really guess what each track brings to the table.

“LOVERS, UPRIGHT” starts with a song called “4:15 (i’ll dance)”, which immediately gives off lovergirl vibes, something played on the walls of a college, overall sounding like puppy love. It sounds vibrant, which makes it a good first impression for first-time listeners; it also gives them a first glimpse of TE/MO’s vibe and personality as an artist. “HEARTDROP” is also a great contender for knowing what she’s all about; it’s got that techie vibe, but the words within cannot be more human; everyone can also expect great things about her songwriting, as “My mind spirals constantly / There’s love songs in parentheses / Of lyrics that you didn’t know you said” is just too good to pass up.

The line “I can’t suck it up and text you ‘Hi’” sums up the next track “DREAM GUY” pretty well. It’s all about fantasies, things imaginable but intangible. The chorus sounds nostalgic, and the melody is easily adherable that by the end of it, everyone would already be singing along; it’s guaranteed to get you hooked. It captures the feeling of wanting to do something but it all remains inside the mind, with none of it actually done and executed due to having second thoughts.

With a subtle tinker in the background adding a nice touch, “SOFT PLACE TO LAND” touches on the subject of doubts again. However, sound-wise, the harmonizing of the solo alongside the notes is great, amplifying the dominant emotion well. Speaking of, it’s all about wondering if she’d just be a passing craving, or someone not worth saving, referring to herself as a soft place to land on. Ultimately, it also touches the ground of the human experience of fear, more specifically of being treated poorly, or being not enough.

“REACHING (the anxiety love song)” jumps from mentions of September to October. It reflects on society, the borderline between classes, and just the sense of the world ending, hence the lines “I’ve known you through millennia / I’ll find you somewhere in the next one”, and “Even if we never meet again, I’ll reach for you”. It’s essentially about finding comfort in someone that when everything else is out of reach, you’d make the effort of reaching out to them regardless.

The first EP ends with “HAPPILY EVER ALRIGHT”, serving as a nod to fairy tales, carrying the sense of “everything is alright when she talks to them” with it. At this point, every song has its own perspective, with the months and specific days of the week mentioned adding a personal touch. TE/MO also refers or somewhat doubts the concept of ‘happily ever’ by implying that not watching that certain person leave is a magical thing, or miracle work. 

It doesn’t end there, because six incredible songs remain: “LOVERS, REVERSED”, still leans on the theme of love and fantasy, a personal experience with it turned or expressed in a way that it’s relatable. “NEVERLAND” is another futuristic-esque track, on the theme of fairy tales mostly. The song is smooth, to be frank, in terms of storytelling; TE/MO’s rhyming game is off the charts.

“BEST I EVER HAD” would make you go ‘this sounds like a love song’. Well… yes and no. This one sounds like your traditional, beloved teenage anthem, starting with a phone call, humor, yet it still encapsulates the emotions of missing someone. “You got her and I got jaded / You moved on and I’m still waiting”. Not only does she have that vocal range, but also the capability of creating unique and different tunes, marking her an artist that would never get old music-wise. The rage on the bridge is priceless, and it ends positively with acceptance… kind of.

Touching on countless assumptions, “MAYBE” is heavily centric on that, as well as the probability of despising the person in question due to the enumeration in the chorus. The layered vocals in some parts are great, and the structure of lyrics are comprehensible, making the track more likeable – heck, lovable. At this point, the thought of her having incredible bridges just struck; none of them are dull at all. 

Integrating actual sounds of shattering glass in different ways and angles in “GLASS HOUSE” is brilliant. Reflecting on the previous tracks, she might’ve turned into a corner of aggression and rage, which I say, bring it on! “BOMBSHELL”, a song that follows, consists of a similar theme; it’s on the alternative/rock side, however, and the topics of betrayal and deception are pointed out. It somewhat serves as a warning and a diss at the same time: “You got me once, made me a fool / But now the joke will be on you”.

Wrapping the second EP up is “BAND BRO”, which begins with an uncharacteristic and spontaneous solo, which is later corrected, then the actual tune ensues. “You won’t catch me waiting on your show, band bro”. The vibes are overall head-bob worthy, another run for god-tier songwriting with all the references of beloved icons in the music scene: Mr. Brightside of The Killers, Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac, and references to pop idols such as Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo. In short, it goes all-around, winning over the hearts of many.

To keep it simple: absolutely adored the two EPs. It’s all worth gushing about, playing on repeat, recommending to people as the influences also shine through, though everything is as unique and new as it gets. It really doesn’t get any better than this.

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