Starting off with techie vibes, slowly transitioning to a more indie/alternative tune that incorporates that same 8-bit element to the mix, “Get There Before Noon – LA Mix” carries on a feel-good aura all throughout, sound and meaning-wise.
The title is already motivation itself – get there before noon; don’t waste anymore time. The Afro Nick emphasizes making the most out of life, doing what you want and love to do every step of the way. “I gotta live this life – not yesterday”.
Also consisting of a catchy bassline and backing vocals that uplift everything, helps get the message through: “All you have to do is get there before noon”, it’s exactly what anyone would need if they’re in a stump and need a little bit of a kick to remind them what and why they’re doing their goals for. The mixture of every component is lively and can definitely wake anyone up, and get them going.
Overall, it’s a great track. Everyone needs something positive every once in a while. This mix by The Afro Nick featuring Leonardo Genevese preaches the importance of getting up and doing what needs to be done in the bluntest way, and we’re here for it.